Seek God Early
Seek God Early





“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”


Today, we remind ourselves of the story of David who was not even remembered by his father, Jesse when Prophet Samuel came to anoint the next king of Israel. In spite of the fact that he was far away at the back side of the desert, he still got the anointing and later rose to become king despite the oppositions.


Remember that there was already a king on the throne when he was anointed to be king. How can you be anointed to take up a position when there is no vacancy? Only God has the capacity to turn things around in your favour. All you need to do is ensure that you remain at the place appointed unto you by God. God does not need your help to lift you up.

click here to get yesterday’s devotional

Why then do you count yourself out when God has counted you in? God does not need you to do any adjustments for Him. He has everything under control. Simply because you want to preach on the pulpit, you fail to fit into where God has put you.


The increase of the Body is dependent on that which every joint is supplying. That’s why I’m telling you that your part is important, and you cannot afford not to play it or to play it down.


Some people want big things, but they are not ready to be faithful in the little. Be faithful in the little, then God will bestow upon you greater things. You don’t have a release until you see where to release it. And as you release, by the law of giving and receiving, you will also receive something inside you. According to Ephesians 4:16: “He maketh increase of the body”; not of the parts.


Further reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-13.


Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 77-78; Evening- Romans 10



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