Seek God Early



As we bid farewell to the month of June, we reflect upon the days that have passed, filled with both moments of joy and challenges. June has been a month of growth and transformation, With gratitude and hope, let us conclude the month of June, bidding it farewell with open hearts and a sense of anticipation for what awaits us in the month of July.

The Bible says in Proverbs 3:6 NKJV
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

As we step into the month of July, lets all acknowledge God as the source of everything we own and he will surely direct us in everything we do.


  1. Father, I express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the blessings, favor, and provisions I have received throughout the month of June, blessed be your name
  2. Thank you Lord for your unending compassion towards my family and I, I thank you lord for nothing is missing and nothing is lacking
  3.  Father I Seek divine guidance for the next steps and decisions I will be taking as I enter a new month. I Pray for wisdom and clarity in navigating the path ahead.
  4. Dear Lord, I Ask for protection over my loved ones, and our communities from harm and danger. I Pray for physical, emotional, and spiritual safety as we move forward.
  5. Lord I Lift up prayers for healing for those who are sick or facing health challenges. I Ask for God’s restorative touch and comfort to be upon them in Jesus Name.
  6. I come before your throne of mercy, seeking forgiveness for any wrongdoings, mistakes, or shortcomings I may have had during the month. I Pray for a repentant heart and the strength to make amends where necessary in Jesus Name.
  7. Father I Pray for unity and harmony among our relationships, families, and communities. I Ask for the spirit of love, understanding, and reconciliation to prevail in all our interactions in Jesus Name.
  8. I ask Lord for provision and abundance in my life. I Pray for opportunities and resources to meet my obligations and bless others in Jesus Name.
  9. Father,I Pray for clarity, passion, and empowerment to make a positive impact in the world, I ask Father for strength and resilience to face challenges and obstacles and become victorious in Jesus Name.
  10. I Pray for the endurance to persevere and the courage to overcome any hurdles that may come my way in Jesus Name.
  11. I ask Father for divine alignment with God’s will. I ask that you guide my steps and align your desires with His plans for my life. I Seek your favor in every decision and endeavor in Jesus’ Name.
  12. This Month of July Father, I pray for open doors of opportunity. I Pray that you grant me favor in my career, relationships, and personal endeavors, so that the right doors may open for me at the right time.
  13. I Pray for favor in my career and business,  I Ask you, God, for supernatural promotion and recognition of my efforts in Jesus Name.
  14. Dear Lord, as the month of June, comes to an end, I declare that every sickness, disease, and depression in my life ant the life of any member of my family, come to an end in Jesus Name! I declare sound health, peace of mind and wholeness in Jesus Name.
  15. In this month of July, I seek your guidance and clarity in all aspects of my life. I recognize that you hold the answers to my questions and that you are always ready to offer me your wisdom. Help me Father to rely on you in Jesus Name.
  16. As we conclude this month, we ask for your wisdom and discernment to evaluate our actions, decisions, and progress. Help us to recognize any areas where we may have fallen short and grant us the grace to make amends and grow in your ways In Jesus Name.
  17. Lord, we surrender the successes and failures of this month into your hands. We release any disappointments, regrets, or missed opportunities, knowing that you work all things together for our good. We trust in your divine timing and purpose.
  18. As we step into a new month, we pray for your divine favor and blessings to go before us. Grant us clarity of mind, creativity, and strength to pursue our goals and dreams with determination and perseverance. May our lives be a reflection of your glory and a testament to your goodness.
  19. Father, we lift up any burdens, worries, or anxieties that we may carry. You are our refuge and strength, a present help in times of trouble. We cast our cares upon you, knowing that you care for us. Grant us peace that surpasses all understanding as we entrust our concerns to you.
  20. Finally, Lord, we pray for the world around us. We ask for healing, unity, and peace in our communities and nations. May your love shine brightly through us, and may we be agents of reconciliation and positive change in the world.

May the month ahead be filled with divine opportunities, growth, and breakthroughs. Stay steadfast in your faith, persevere in prayer, and remain open to the miracles that await you.

Go forth in peace, knowing that you have been heard and that God’s purposes are at work in your life. May your journey be filled with joy, blessings, and abundant grace. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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