God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you!These daily inspirations will help you grow in your relationship with the Lord and equip you to be everything God intends you to be. – Joel Osteen
The Theme of Joel Osteen Daily Inspiration for Today 28th October 2020 Is ”God Is About To Make Your Hard Places Easier”
The reason you have the strength to withstand, the power to outlast, the determination to try again, is because God has something awesome in your future. If you were done, He wouldn’t have created grass in the desert.
If He wasn’t about to multiply what you have, do something that you’ve never seen, He wouldn’t have made green pastures for you to lie down in. The fact that you’re reading this tells me that your future is much brighter than your past.
Read Joel Osteen Daily Devotional for Wednesday 28th October 2020
Read Joel Osteen Daily Devotional for Wednesday 28th October 2020
Without the opposition, without the betrayals, the disappointments, Joseph would have never made it to his destiny. God won’t stop the desert places. He never promised we wouldn’t have difficulties, but He did promise He’ll give you grass in the desert. He’ll make your hard places easier.
2 Responses
Beautiful sermon and it made my day. God richly bless you.Amen
We are glad to hear your testimony.
To God be all the glory!
Stay blessed.